I am very emotional while writing this post.
Edith Piaf played such a big role in my life. Whenever I am running low on creativity, I play her music, and the sound of her voice full of truth and strengh inspires me. So the least I could do is pay her tribute.
Now that I had the postcards, I felt like organising that party. I saw myself finding my computer searching and browsing, and here is the result. A french dinner inspiration board to share with all of you. I will be having this dinner party in three weeks with some of my close friends that are in love with Edith Piaf too.
Her favorite meal was "
Coq au vin " , and I am anxious as to how it will turn out. I've never made it before. But it just sounds delicious. Good wine, aromatic cheeses from
Hamel la Fromagerie, fresh figs, and the best baguette from
Mamie Clafoutis will be on the menu.
For the table setting I got inspired from the picture of Bistro Les Petits Carreaux. Forest green, ivory, and butter yellow.
When saying Paris, you cannot forget those delicious macarons, that literally first crunch and then melt in your mouth. An explosion of taste, that invade your whole being! So I decided to package some pistachio macarons with some almond macarons in small green boxes and tie a buttery yellow ribbon around to give my guests as a thank you favor.
I will be playing "
La Vie en Rose" movie. If you haven't seen it (or if you don't now Edith Piaf ) I highly recommend you rent it. It is a jewel.
I am really looking forward to it. A whole evening with Edith Piaf! What else to ask for?
If you live in Montreal, they play her music at
Pois Penché, a fairly new french bistro downtown. If you're craving Paris, go for a lunch there. It will do you good :)