When my parents renovated their kitchen a year ago, they got rid of their large cabinet which housed all their glassware and china. With nowhere to put everything they had gathered over the years, I volunteered to store ( keep?! ) some things at my house. I quickly grabbed my favorites: the tea cups.
I remember being a little girl, staring at these beautiful objects and fanstasizing about the day when I will throw fancy tea parties. I had my favorites of course, but there was something so unique about each and everyone of them. Each tea cup told a story and inspired me in a different way.
A quarter century later ( or maybe a little bit more :P ) , my dream came true, and I have them at my house. I still haven't used them. I have kept them in a box wrapped in newspaper and I'm not quite sure why. So today I decided to take them out, and display them, suddenly all those beautiful memories came back to me. I looked at my daughter, and she was staring at them with her big eyes open, and I smiled. I just knew what she was thinking.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, first to show you those beautiful tea cups that made me realise who I was, and what I wanted to do in life. And secondly, to incite you to pay a visit to your family, open their drawers and cabinets, take out all their beautiful objects, borrow them ( or simply take them ! ), and throw a "vintage tea party". You can also take a walk down the antique shop streets, and look for beautiful cups. If they are not in a set, they are usually very cheap. They don't have to be similar, and they don't have to match! The beauty of it is that each one of them tells its owns story.
Have a nice tea party :)